At Teletaxi Torrevieja we don’t want you to have any unexpected surprises.

For this reason we provide you with our rates so that you have everything clear.


Our standard rates, applicable for daytime hours, i.e. between 07:00 and 21:00 on the same day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Start of journey

Urban km travelled

Waiting time 1 hour

Minimum daytime service

Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve

3,42 €

1,07 €

16,97 €

3,58 €

3,07 €

Our special rates, applicable for night time, i.e. between 21:00 and 07:00 the following day. Also applicable to public and local holidays and all Saturdays and Sundays.

Start of journey

Urban km travelled

Waiting time 1 hour

Minimum night service

Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve

4,45 €

1,29 €

19,64 €

4,45 €

3,07 €

Ordinary rates

Our standard rates, applicable for daytime hours, i.e. between 07:00 and 21:00 on the same day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Start of journey

Km travelled or fraction thereof

Waiting time 1 hour

Waiting time 15 minutes

4,45 €

1,20 €

15,00 €

3,75 €

Special rates

Our special rates, applicable for night time, i.e. between 21:00 and 07:00 the following day. Also applicable to national, regional and local holidays and all Saturdays and Sundays.

Start of journey

Km travelled or fraction thereof

Waiting time 1 hour

Waiting time 15 minutes

4,45 €

1,40 €

17,00 €

4,25 €

* The ordinary rate will be applicable during daytime hours, i.e. between 07:00 hours and 21:00 hours of the same day, with the special rate being applicable on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, and between 21:00 hours of one day and 07:00 hours of the following day.
* The long-distance fares shown here are calculated taking Torrevieja city centre as the starting point.
* The prices shown on this page are for your reference only.
* The special supplement shall apply on 24 and 31 December between 21:00 and 07:00 the following day.
* For the purposes of applying the special rate, public holidays are considered to be those days that the local council has declared as local holidays and those days that have been declared as such by the competent administrations in the Valencian Community, as well as 24th and 31st December.
* The results of the budget calculator are indicative, they are a reference, the final price will depend on the total kilometres of the trip and the unforeseen events of the trip, if any.

Maximum amount of change: 20€.

If you prefer to consult us personally about the cost of the taxi journey, you can call us.